Clinical Trials

Information on the basics about clinical trials and current ependymoma clinical trials.
Whether or not to participate in a clinical trial is a personal decision.
You owe it to yourself and your family to carefully weigh all your options – including clinical trials – before making treatment decisions and find out all the information you can about clinical trials.
Ependymoma Clinical Trials
Includes information on where to find available clinical trials.
CERN Clinical Trials
Includes information on historical CERN clinical trials.
What are Clinical Trials?
Get more information about what exactly clinical trials are and how they work.
What to Ask About a Clinical Trials?
What you should know before agreeing to participate in clinical trials.
Phases of Clinical Trials
Clinical trials have multiple phases, find out what these phases are called and how they are different.
How Do Clinical Trials Work?
Learn about how trials are created and enrollment information.
Learn How To Participate in Clinical Trials
Find out if you are eligible to participate in a clinical trial.
Who Can Participate In A Clinical Trial?
Learn more about the eligibilty criteria and reasons volunteers participate in trials.
Who Can Benefit From Participating In A Clinical Trial?
Find out the potential benefits of participating in a clinical trial.
Patient's Bill of Rights
Learn about your rights as a patient.
Clinical Trial FAQs
It’s okay to have questions, we’ve got answers.